
Romeo is impulsive just like this woman in this picture.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My new, ironic relationship

Tonight has brought me a new beginning. I have just left the Capulet party and I feel like a new man. Mercutio, Benvolio, and I crashed the Capulet party to see my former love, Rosaline. Before we did this, I was very morose because the woman I used to love clearly does not want to have a full commitment to marriage. I cannot believe how much time I have wasted chasing Rosaline. However, tonight I have met a new woman by the name of Juliet Capulet. As soon as I set my eyes on her, I knew that she was the right girl for me. I have no doubt in my mind that this was love at first sight. I approached her, and soon enough, we shared a kiss. As soon as our lips locked, I felt a connection that I could not have felt with anyone else.The ironic thing is that her family has been having a bitter feud with my family for many years. This, however, does not impact my feelings for her. I hope this family feud won't interfere with our soon-to-be relationship. I hope that I will be able to marry Juliet very soon, as she has captured my heart, like I have captured her's.

I am now a married man!

I am so happy right now! The great Friar Lawrence has married me to my lovely lady, Juliet. I just met her yesterday and she is already the love of my life. She is so beautiful. I am thrilled to say that I am now her husband. After I spoke with Juliet at her balcony, I realized she was the most amazing girl I have ever seen. I shared a kiss with her and that made me realize that we must be married; I do not care if she is a Capulet. She doesn't care if I am a Montague. We are perfect together. My good friends Mercutio and Benvolio have no idea about Juliet. They think I am still obsessed with Rosaline. Early this morning, Friar Lawrence agreed to marry me to Juliet because he hopes this will unite our feuding families. Although he teased me because I had loved Rosaline just yesterday, I know that Juliet is the girl for me. Juliet's nurse came by and I told her that I already had the wedding arranged. The Friar told me not to act too hastily but I have no idea what he was talking about. Juliet came by and Friar Lawrence officially married us.

My foolishness results in unfortunate happenings

Oh gosh! Many tragic things have happened in this short period of time. All these actions and reactions are such a blur. There has been a death of a person very dear to me and a banishment upon myself for avenging this death. I wish I would have just left Mercutio and Tybalt fight. If I didnt get in the way of them, Mercutio wouldnt have been killed by Tybalt. My impulsitivity and bad judgement came upon me and my perspective of things. Also if I was observative and circumspect, I would have realized that the two men, Mercutio and Tybalt, were fighting out of fun, and not for the blood and death of each other. Then I clicked into another side of myself, once again, because I confronted Tybalt;I was not thinking straight and I failed to realize that killing him would be the worst decision of my life. It would result in me being banished from Verona. I had no ida that killing him would put me in an akward relationship between me and my love, Juliet. I know it is honorable to avenge my friend's death, but I should have stood up for him in another way, without a dangerous confrontation. I wish I could change myself, because I am the reason for my own banishment. I am the reason for the deaths of two men.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My death

Well, now I am dead, writing this from my ghostly body. It has been a hectic time in my life, and now my impulsiveness results in me being dead. This whole tragedy is all because of my strong love for Juliet. I thought my dear wife was deceased, and this made me lose interest in life. There is no point in continuing life without the girl that holds me together. It turns out that she was only pretending to be dead, so I could come escape with her, away from Verona. I thought she was dead, Oh how can I have been so mislead; If only I thought about my actions before I did them. I shouldn't have drank that potion. My dear Juliet woke up seeing me dead. Her heart must have fell to the ground with that sight. I wish I had someone to inform me that Juliet had faked her death, just so I can rescue her and take her away with me. Oh how could this plan have turned out so tragic; Now me and my love are dead. Both of our families are now grieving and because of our tragic deaths, our families are now united.